Enum Filter
Use this to filter what you want to receive through CustomEnumerator(Filter)
The default behavior is as follow:
- Include all drops that isn't hidden nor extensions
- Open all extension drops until we have none of them OR have reach at max depth, this maximum can be changed in the Settings
- Remove all drops marked as hidden
- Clone all drops and
- Apply all the modifiers and filter
If you want to use the default behavior, you can just iterate over the table
Name | Description |
Default | All fields disabled |
DontInvokeGlobalModified | Active: Don't apply global modified on drops Default: Apply global modified on drops Note*: Valid only on runtime calls |
DontInvokeGlobalModify | Active: Don't apply global modify on drops Default: Apply global modify on drops Note*: Valid only on runtime calls |
DontInvokeLocalModified | Active: Don't apply table specific modified on drops Default: Apply table specific modified on drops Note*: Valid only on runtime calls |
DontInvokeLocalModify | Active: Don't apply table specific modify on drops Default: Apply table specific modify on drops Note*: Valid only on runtime calls |
DontInvokeTableFilter | Active: Don't apply table specific filters on drops Default: Apply table specific filters on drops Note*: Valid only on runtime calls |
DontRemoveRepetitions | Active: Include all drops from all tables/extensions Default: When opening extensions skip repeated tables (check repeated by reference by default) |
IncludeExtensions | Active: Plain list, as you see in the inspector Default: Open all extensions and show then as drops Note*: drops from extensions are always clone |
IncludeHiddenDrops | Active: Include drops marked as hidden Default: Remove drops marked as hidden
OriginalDrops | Active: Return original drops, be careful, changes on these items are permanent Default: Clone all drops