Loot - A drop table solution
Welcome to Loot documentation, it is separated into two parts, you can access both of them through the top menu:
Manual: Here we introduce you to how the Loot works, a quick start, how Loot was designed and some important concepts. Also we provide a guide thought the samples.
Scripting API: Code documentation, separated in namespaces.
- Loot: Core classes
- Loot.Context: Classes used as context data to pass information thought API's and callbacks
- Loot.Enum: Self explanatory
- Loot.Utilities: Utility classes used to simplify the process thought the asset
Contact and acknowledge
Thanks for buying and supporting my work. I hope that it helps you to bring your dream game to life, and please if you have some suggestions, critique, reclamation, question or want to request some feature does not hesitate to enter in contact through email or discord.
Developer contact
- Email: joao.gavron@gmail.com
- Discord: Nefisto#3403
doc version (follow asset version, but patch): 1.3